Saturday, June 26, 2010

Grand Slam USA on Wed 6/30

Our last practice will be at grand slam usa!! It will be from 5:30 to 7:00pm on wednesday June 30! Jim (Nick's dad) rented out one tunnel and the up stairs as well. The cost is $5 per player! If you have any questions please call or text me.

Coach Jen

Our last practice!!


Our last practice will be Wed June 30. If you have any questions please call me.


Our rainout game is rescheduled

Hay Lasers,

Our rainout game has been rescheduled for July 6 at 5:30. It will be at Adams NW!!


Coach Jen

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Game 6/22

Every player on our team did a great job!!! They each played very hard and we all had a great time. Thank you Jacob S. for the snacks!! Have a great night and see some of you tomorrow at our optional practice!!

Good night and thanks,

Coach Jen

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tonights game 6/17

The kids did great at the game. You all played very hard and I am proud of you for trying your best!! I will see you tomorrow at ADAMS ELEMENTARY for our game at 7:00pm.

Coach Jen

Game 6/17

Remember that tonights game is at University park. I believe that it 24th and university. The game is at 5:30, so please have the kids there around 5:00.

Coach Jen

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Practice tonight!!

Hay everyone I work today until 5:30pm so use your own judgement about practice tonight. If it is raining at 5:30 then we will not have practice, but if it isn't I will be at the field!!

Coach Jen